
The Moonlit Souls provides ethically sourced and intuitively chosen crystals to bring a little magic, manifestation and mindfulness to your everyday life. Crystals have been used for thousands of years by many cultures all over the world due to their healing properties. Whether it be through energy healing methods, crushed into powders for cosmetics or in ancient rituals to connect spirits to the earth. Each crystal carries a unique vibration like all things in our universe, this vibration can positively connect with our own to realign, absorb or amplify energy within the body and restore our natural state of being. Natures natural gift to us to help us live a more balanced, positive, higher quality of life.

The Moonlit Souls also offers limited pressed flower art designs to bring happiness to your soul and colour to your home. All flowers are grown organically from my personal garden in the Mallee.

The Moonlit Souls is a small business owned and operated by a free spirited country girl living in the Mallee. It is project created from the heart and dedicated to a sister lost far too soon. The inspiration behind everything you see here. A true hippie heart with wandering feet and a soul that followed the moon.

“When we long for a life without difficulties, remind yourself that diamonds are made under pressure and oaks grow strong in contrary winds” Peter Marshall