How to use your Crystals

So you’ve bought your crystals and can’t stop looking at them.. obviously, but now what?

Well where do I start, there are endless ways for you to utilise crystals in your home, lifestyle and wellness routines.

At Home: Using crystals within your home is a wonderful place to start incorporating them into your life. By placing them around your home you will amplify and attract positive energy into your space whilst also clearing away any negative energy. When moving into a new home it is a great idea to first cleanse each room by burning sage or palo santo wood. Once this initial cleansing has been completed, place a piece of black tourmaline in each corner of the house for protection against negative energies. You can also repeat the same routine with clear quartz to amplify the positive energy in your new home. Once living in your home it is a good idea to cleanse your crystals and space regularly to clear any negative or stagnant energies that build up from illness, disagreements or energies bought in by visitors. There are many different ways of incorporating crystals within your home environment, whether it be on display to catch and reflect the light in a space, as a decor item to hold jewellery or small items, or as a way of encouraging balance and harmony into an area bringing a sense overall wellbeing.

On your body: Wearing crystals has been a custom for thousands of years! Of course their beauty plays a big part in this however crystals are also worn for their incredible healing properties. By wearing crystals or keeping them close to us for an extended period of time, it is a powerful way to absorb their energy and increase their ability to draw out the negative energies within us. Therefore healing us from within. Each crystal is unique and assists in raising different vibrations around us to encourage healing, confidence, success, empowerment, spiritual connection and so much more!