Smudge Pack
This pack includes White Sage and Palo Santo, the essential tools for energy cleansing and other sacred rituals.
Smudging is a powerful ancient practice used for thousands of years to cleanse crystals, people and spaces of negative energies.
By burning white sage or palo santo and holding your crystals in the smoke, their energies will be cleansed of negativity and restored to their natural frequency.
Smudging a space or person can also restore energy frequencies and act as a reset or refresh on stagnant or negative energies whilst also purifying the air and encouraging protection.
This pack includes White Sage and Palo Santo, the essential tools for energy cleansing and other sacred rituals.
Smudging is a powerful ancient practice used for thousands of years to cleanse crystals, people and spaces of negative energies.
By burning white sage or palo santo and holding your crystals in the smoke, their energies will be cleansed of negativity and restored to their natural frequency.
Smudging a space or person can also restore energy frequencies and act as a reset or refresh on stagnant or negative energies whilst also purifying the air and encouraging protection.
This pack includes White Sage and Palo Santo, the essential tools for energy cleansing and other sacred rituals.
Smudging is a powerful ancient practice used for thousands of years to cleanse crystals, people and spaces of negative energies.
By burning white sage or palo santo and holding your crystals in the smoke, their energies will be cleansed of negativity and restored to their natural frequency.
Smudging a space or person can also restore energy frequencies and act as a reset or refresh on stagnant or negative energies whilst also purifying the air and encouraging protection.